Bright Futures Parent Information:
Forms to be filled out by parents:
- SIDS Handout
- Tuberculosis Risk Factor Questionnaire
- Edinburgh Form
Routine vaccine(s):
- Pentacel
- Prevnar
- Rotavirus
Download: CDC Recommended Immunizations for Children from Birth Through 6 Years Old
Many infants start to have teething symptoms at this time. These consist of drooling, gnawing on things, and occasional irritability. Despite these symptoms, teeth may still not appear for several months. Most infants feel relief from gnawing on cold objects or teething rings. Teething gels offer temporary relief, but many babies do not like the taste or numbing sensation. Homeopathic teething tablets are helpful for some. You may also try Tylenol.
Many cough and cold medications are not recommended for infants this age. Please ask your physician before you give any over-the-counter medications.
Do not put a bottle of breast milk or formula in the crib with your baby. All of these contain sugar and will cause cavities if they are in contact with the teeth while sleeping. If you must put a bottle in the crib, fill it with water only.
You may introduce easily dissolvable foods such as cheerios or teething toast. Continue with two helpings of infant cereal and at least two helpings of jarred baby food per day. Continue with breast milk or formula.
Introduce a sippy cup. Most babies will not drink well from it until they are 9-12 months, but allow yours to experiment with it.
Avoid foods that may cause an allergic reaction if given to your child before 12 months of age. These include eggs, nuts and nut products, milk and dairy products, strawberries, shellfish, wheat and soy.
Avoid foods that may be easily choked on. These include hot dogs, raw apples, raw carrots, grapes, nuts, stringy foods, large chunks, popcorn, raisins and hard candy.
Do not give honey until after 12 months of age.
Remove crib bumpers and mobiles from the crib and lower the crib mattress as your infant will soon be crawling around and pulling up to stand.
Even if your infant has reached 20 pounds, they must remain in a rear-facing car seat until 2 years of age.
our baby will soon be moving around the house. Use gates at stairways and doors. Cover sharp-edged corners on furniture. Do not let cords or tablecloths hang off of furniture. Keep small chokable objects picked up and stored away.
Do not drink hot beverages while holding your child, or leave them on the table or counter edges, where they can spill onto an infant below.
Never leave your infant alone in the bathtub or sink.
Most babies are rolling over and will soon sit up, crawl and pull to stand.
Now is a perfect time to start reading to your baby. Firm board books and books with brightly colored pictures are recommended. A few minutes at a time is best at the beginning.
Babies love to hold and explore simple toys. Make sure these toys have no small parts they could choke on.