General Information:
- Parenting Corner from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- General Information for Parents/Kids/Teenagers
- Overseas Travel Information from the CDC
- Car seat Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Carseat information from the Department of Motor Vehicles
Lactation Resources:
- KellyMom
- Breastfeeding Online
- LaLeche League
- Medela Breastfeeding Information
- – for medication use while breastfeeding
- Infant Risk Center – for questions regarding medications safe while breastfeeding – (806)- 352- 2519
Vaccine Resources:
- Vaccine Information from the CDC
- Vaccine Information from the American Academy of Pediatrics
- Vaccine Education Center at CHOP
Preparing for Your New Baby:
- SIDS Prevention
- Choosing a Crib
- Starting Out Right with Breastfeeding
- Carseat Information for Your Baby
- Vaccine Information for Your Baby
Healthy Habits and Nutrition:
- Healthy Living from American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Heart Association, Healthy Kids
- USDA My Plate
- Cholesterol and Your Child
- Fiber Content in Common Food